Ethos Institute
The Ethos Institute holds the annual Ethos Conference, the largest sustainability event in Latin America. For its 15th edition, the main subject of discussion was the weather change and pollution increment in big cities. They sought a disruptive and innovative format, different from the traditional triad of stage + plenary in theatre style + programming in various rooms.
More than a conference, we developed an experience without walls and permanently using headphones, an event that blended content with a sensory experience. We designed six stages, hosting various simultaneous activities supported by projections with real-time programming within a dome space.
Participants could connect to discussions at any stage using headphones by selecting the desired channel and interact by sending messages—over 50 hours of content in a silent space.
The format provided a real 360-degree experience, allowing more than a thousand participants to follow the program of 130 speakers from anywhere in the dome. Furthermore, the unusual mix of content and silence at an event of this magnitude created an unforgettable sensory experience, reaffirming the Ethos Institute's position at the forefront of events in the field.